The Stellar Development Foundation has committed upwards to 2.5 million Lumens to half-dozen non-profit organizations to assistance out during the coronavirus crisis — and they're calling on the customs to assist.

The SDF volition kick the initiative off by donating 100,000 XLM each to 6 charities, with the remaining funds used to match customs contributions on a one-to-i basis throughout April.

Strong residue sail

SDF CEO Denelle Dixon told Cointelegraph the Foundation was lucky enough to be in a strong financial position to exist able to help:

"We're in the fortunate position of having stability during this fourth dimension, we have a strong balance sheet, we also have XLM reserves, we want to be able to support equally many initiatives as possible during this time that is very challenging for a lot of folks."

The Lumens volition exist made available to six of the non-profit organizations listed on Lumenthropy, which is a Stellar-based organisation whose stated mission is to "brand Stellar the philanthropic gamechanger".

The chosen non-profits include UNICEF, Tor Project, Heifer International, Watsi, Liberty of the Printing and Women Who Code.

Healthcare, education, poverty and costless oral communication

Asked why just six of the ten organizations listed on Lumenthropy are eligible for the initiative, Dixon said they are focused on organizations whose missions well-nigh closely align with bug presented by the current crunch such as providing healthcare, fighting poverty, protecting free speech communication from censorship and enabling education.

Dixon said the SDF may cull to extend the program after April, and that other worthy non-profits are welcome to use.